I came across a persistent issue where the admin user is unable to save any configuration in the administration window and would only be greeted with the error below:
Upon investigation, I noticed that the method _beforeSave() is being called multiple times regardless if the field is for timezone or not as shown in the screenshot below:
The error occurs when the value of a non-timezone field is validated against the array result of the method DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($allWithBc).
To fix this, duplicate the core file:
into this path (create the directory if it doesn’t exists)
Locate the method _beforeSave() and add the code below at the beginning:
if($this->getField() !== 'timezone') return $this;
The content of the method _beforeSave() should be similar to the one below (note this is for Magento CE so adjust accordingly with the code changes)
protected function _beforeSave() { if($this->getField() !== 'timezone') return $this; $allWithBc = self::ALL_WITH_BC; if (defined('DateTimeZone::ALL_WITH_BC')) { $allWithBc = DateTimeZone::ALL_WITH_BC; } if (!in_array($this->getValue(), DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($allWithBc))) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Invalid timezone')); } return $this; }
After that, you should now be able to save your configuration changes in the admin.